Got an e-mail yesterday from SANS. They are switching from Fedora to Ubuntu and apparently Burp Suite is included in the lab. I know about Burp Suite, but hadn’t used it because there were no labs in any of the courses. The labs had used ZAP, but that was back in 2014 – they probably changed it since then. I DO know that it is extremely popular, so I’m glad about that part. [ZAP is still on Kali, so one could use either]

The studying is going somewhat slowly this week. I haven’t gotten much sleep, and the midnight schedule is causing me to nod off a lot. One thing I’ve noticed – that even with 16G or RAM, having three VMs on a MacBook Pro laptop doesn’t do it any favors. It’s slow and prone to hanging for 30+ seconds while switching between windows. Using a tower PC with multiple drives (at least one for host OS and another for guests) would have been the way to go.